PO Box 998
Post Falls, ID 83877
Today's Christian Country is a listener supported non-profit radio station, however, if you feel lead to contribute to this ministry there are a few things we want you know.
First: we ask that any contributions you make are made only after the commitment you may have to your own fellowship. We are not in competition with the local church but an extension to the work God is already doing in your area.
Second: We are a tax exempt 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Any contributions you choose to make to Legacy Broadcasting/Today's Christian Country count as tax-exempt giving. We thank you for your generosity!
Business Sponsorship
Today's Christian Country Impact Partners are businesses, churches and organizations that value and financially support the vision to change lives while at the same time recognizing the benefits of informing our community about their own products and services.
Your company or organization can experience the benefits of being an Impact Partners, too!
Check out our current partners here.