7:00pm – Midnight: Monday-Friday
6:00pm – Midnight: Sunday
I have always loved music. I remember back in my home state of Indiana as a young boy, when I didn’t feel well, knowing it would soothe me, I would ask for music to be put on the old tube radio. Interesting how some sixty years later, I find myself still being comforted by music from a radio! Here at Today’s Christian Country, it is my pleasure to be hosting the evening show 7:00pm-midnite Sunday thru Friday. The time between songs in our powerfully anointed playlist is filled with giggles and grins and lots of scripture to help bring the point home, that we are a Christian Country radio station that is not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
God has been very kind to me, allowing a rich past of experiences to help flavor my friendly banter. Having been a poet and lyricist from 1962 on, I began playing harmonica in 1971, while in the US Air Force, the same year I asked Jesus to be my Savior. Toured with Blues and Rock bands for many years and in 1976 my guitar partner, Robert “Doc” Haley, and I were part of five folks who founded channel 10 public access television in Palm Springs, mainly to help promote our band.
In the 80s & 90s I was founding pastor for Calvary Chapel Coeur d’Alene, where The Treasure House Ministry was produced and aired locally on public access television and ACN radio. Visual arts have also been woven into my life as I am an internationally collected local artist and gallerist (Steven A. Scroggins Fine Art). My tag line on my art business card reads “Every Mark Matters!”. I think that about sums it up for me. It is my deepest desire that all I say, do and think, every mark, should bring glory to my God! Oh, and we all need to smile a lot!