01/30/2025 Update: While warranty process for the generator takes place, we are running on the backup generator. We are solidly on-air, except we are running a plan that has us powering down from 12 am (midnight) to 5 am each night right now. This plan seems to be working to keep the backup generator going strong, while keeping it from using up excessive amounts of propane. Thank you for you continued prayers and patient support.
01/23/2025: We’re working on issues today with KYMS’s transmission and power. In sum, our new generator has blown it’s motor. And while the solar power is working great when the sun is up, the station signal receiver at the tower is not auto-rebooting like it is designed to do. This really seems to us to be a tremendous spiritual attack, especially as it comes on top of frequent issues that have required human intervention on top of the tower and dodged detection for months. Support us in prayer for our quick restoration from this present slate of issues. We really appreciate your support and share your frustration over these matters.
Currently, the blown motor to our brand new $10,000 generator is being documented and inspected for warranty replacement, while updates to the backup generator are being made. Pray for this operation to go smoothly. While it is sunny, the solar units are powering the site, but the signal receiving unit that is designed to reboot is not sending out our signal. You can hear the transmitter issue when 89.9 FM is silent; and you know it is the power issue when you hear static instead. [Online feeds will never replace terrestrial radio, but you may hear our broadcast, using any one of our “listen live” links even when you are not finding our frequency on the dial.]
We are blessed to have people with tremendous know-how, who are willing to stay up, work late nights, and who have done everything humanly possibly to keep things going. We need your prayers and ask for your generous patience – that the Lord may restore our strong healthy signal as soon as possible. We know that Today’s Christian Country fills a special place in the lives of many people and we believe that it is a significant ministry of which God has made us stewards. We may have more frequent updates on the Facebook feed, but we’ll try to keep you posted here as well as we get this resolved. Thank you, our listeners, for walking this stretch of the road with us!